Tuesday, July 23, 2013

    Show Me How is basically an instructional reference guide that teaches interesting, and sometimes particular, life lessons. Everything is told in pictures and infographics step by step. Look and learn, I guess that's the goal of this book.
   There are lessons covering almost all aspect of life, from making stuff to parenting to surviving in a jungle. You'll most likely learn a new thing or two (hundreds probably) from this book. There are 500 things featured.
   Want to learn how learn how to create a chain-mail bikini, you can. Fry an egg, you can. How about hugging a hedgehog? Reading body language? Wrestle an alligator? Survive a shipwreck? Dress up like a zombie? Create a beer hat? Well, there are instructions for all of them.
   It's a fun and educational book, great for kids and adults.

Download PDF: Show Me How: 500 Things You Should Know 
Download ebook: Show Me How: 500 Things You Should Know 
Download Free: Show Me How: 500 Things You Should Know


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